Looking Out of Bus Window

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  1. I might have agreed with you until I took the slow bus from Cancun to Chichen Itza. Five hours later we arrived at our destination and I wanted to strangle someone. That’s probably my severe cabin fever issues though, I get them on long flights as well. I haven’t flown to Australia yet, and I’m sure I’ll get real crazy then too…

    But I’m glad you can find so much to ponder on during a bus ride. 🙂

  2. Back in 2004, I took a bus from Cleveland, Ohio, to New York City. When I got on the bus in Cleveland, the outlook for John Kerry’s election and George W. Bush’s defeat were bright. When I got off the bus in NYC some 12 hours later, I wished that bus ride had gone on a lot longer! I like all modes of transportation, by the way. For me, it’s definitely about the journey!

  3. Great post. I totally agree with you, but I can only enjoy a good bus ride if no one’s sitting next to me making mindless small talk the entire trip.

  4. What a bright way to look at bus riding! I tend to sit next to people who make the ride… difficult. Like the large man who took up his seat and half of mine on the ride from Dublin to London, or the smelly people, etc. >.< But I have sat next to some really awesome people on trains and planes, so if I got someone like that, the bus journey could be really enjoyable 🙂

  5. I can relate to that for sure! Great post. There really is something about taking the bus, and seeing the world from the windows. Makes me want to hop on one and go somewhere new just for the sake of going there. 🙂

  6. This brought back memories of a late- night ride on a sparsely populated bus in Egypt; the whole bus cracking up while some guys were trying to teach me Arabic! Heaven only knows what I was saying 🙂

  7. Love your post. Same here..I always think a bus journey is never long enough. Though there were some that were pretty long…like one where I boarded in the morning one day and arrived at my destination somewhere the next morning in Laos.

  8. Loved this post! Once in a while I have a “bus day.” I get out the bus maps and see how far I can go on local routes. One journey took me some fair distance from central London and when I told my friends about it they said, “but a train goes right there.” Maybe, but where is the adventure in that?

    1. I always take the bus from London to Cambridge now, even though it takes twice as long. You get to see more interesting stuff out of the window, not just fields!

  9. Always by train, by train! Oh how I hate buses. Trains can be interesting, some of my greatest adventurous journeys have been by train. By train you always feel like you could be in an Agatha Christy plot, especially overnight journeys. Trains you can get up, walk around, meet people, go find food. Love them.

  10. This is beautiful, I always seem to have the most interesting conversations on buses and I love the idea of being in between. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m really enjoying looking through your’s.

  11. I hate the bus everywhere in Seattle. I always wonder who will sit next to me, or rather hope people will sit next to me. No one wants to sit next to a stranger if they have to here, it’s quite unfortunate. I try to send smiles at people letting them know the seat next to me is free but they only will if there are no other isolated seats available. Humans these days, we’re all strangers aren’t we?

    1. Living in England that kind of attitude is everywhere. Plus a lot of people would consider it weird if someone sat next to them when there are isolated seats available. Could easily be construed as creepy, which is unfortunate.

  12. I like long bus or train rides too. It’s nice not to have to worry for a while. Everything is out of your hands until you hit the next station.
    However, I did get crammed into one old school bus somewhere in Panama where some guy pressed his crotch up against my arm for 3 straight hours. While making eye contact the entire time. With his friend staring at me aggressively over his shoulder.
    That one could have wrapped up sooner.

      1. Yeah with Latin America apparently “machismo” is blamed for general sexual harassment. Haven’t been to India yet, hopefully not too many crotch-pressers there.

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